
The Film ‘I Care a Lot’ Highlights Vulnerabilities in the Guardianship System

Netflix’s popular new movie, I Care a Lot, may be far-fetched in a lot of ways. However, it does ...

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Britney Spears Case Puts Renewed Focus on Guardianships and Less Restrictive Alternatives

Britney Spears’s legal fight to wrest back control over her personal and financial affairs has flo...

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Using Estate Planning to Prepare for Medicaid

Long-term care involves not only a loss of personal autonomy; it also comes at a tremendous financia...

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Estate Planning in the Age of Stepfamilies

More than 4 in 10 Americans have at least one step-relative in their family – either a stepparent,...

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Watch Out for These Potential Problems with Life Estates

Life estates can be an excellent tool for Medicaid planning, probate avoidance and tax efficiency, b...

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What Is the Difference Between a Living Will and a Do- Not-Resuscitate Order?

It is a very good idea to create advance directives in order to plan for the possibility that you ma...

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Dispute Between Brothers Demonstrates Need to Plan for Long-Term Care

A recent New Jersey appeals court case demonstrates how important it is for families to come up with...

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Medicaid Planning for Nursing Homes in Waco, TX

At Rainey & Rainey, Attorneys at Law, LP, we are committed to using our knowledge of the law to ...

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Your Guide to Nursing Home Planning in Waco, Texas

Preparing For Tomorrow Today A majority of your estate planning efforts are meant to ensure tha...

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